First things first, low libido is a pretty common problem - over time, many men and women will lose interest in sex every so often. With that said, a low libido over a long period of time is something that you should know more about. While there may be a simple reason behind it, it could also be a result of an underlying health condition.

Some common factors that may affect a man’s sex drive include:

  • Low testosterone
  • Certain medications
  • Relationship problems
  • Emotional causes
  • Age
  • Health problems

It’s important to keep in mind that there isn’t a ‘normal libido’. However, if your sex drive is affecting you or your relationship, it’s important to know more so you can seek help and advice.

See also: Can you Promote Hormone Balance?

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What does it mean when a man has low libido?

A man’s sex drive tends to naturally fluctuate over the years and it’s completely common to go through periods of low libido. While this change in sex drive can sometimes leave men slightly confused, we’re here to ensure you don’t need to feel that way!

This is what to know about some of the common causes of low libido.

Low testosterone

Testosterone plays a number of crucial roles in men’s health - this includes fueling both sex drive and performance. As men begin to age, their testosterone levels naturally begin to drop - this underproduction of the primary male sex hormone can bring with it a number of symptoms, including loss of libido [1].

Apart from age, some other causes of low testosterone in men may include:

  • Injury or infection of the testes
  • Cancer treatment
  • Inflammatory disease
  • Medications
  • Obesity
  • Pituitary disorders

See also: Male Hypogonadism: Signs, Symptoms, and Causes

Certain medications

Certain medications can have an effect on a person’s libido and overall sex drive. According to the NHS [2], some medications that may reduce libido include:

  • High blood pressure medication
  • Antidepressants
  • Medications for enlarged prostate
  • Medications for seizures

Relationship problems

Problems in your relationship may cause a reduced sex drive and affect your sexual desire for your partner. Loss of attraction, poor communication, and trust issues can all play a part in this.

By reaching out to your healthcare provider, you can find out about the support and help available to help with any persistent relationship issues.

Emotional causes

Any change in your mental wellbeing can have a major impact on your everyday mood, it can also leave you with a lack of interest in sex or sexual activity in general.

Some common psychological causes may include:

  • Mental health problems (anxiety and/or depression)
  • Stress
  • Exhaustion
  • Low self-esteem

If you believe you are experiencing any of the above problems, make sure to reach out to your doctor who will be able to offer medical advice and a helping hand in any way they can.

See also: Does Low Testostosterone Equal Low Mood?


While low libido and older age don’t come hand in hand, many men may experience a low sex drive as they begin to age. There are a number of reasons for this, including:

  • Decrease in testosterone
  • Side effects of medications
  • Mobility

See also: Low Testosterone Symptoms in Men: Your Quick Guide to Low Testosterone

Health problems

There are a number of long-term health conditions that can affect a person’s sex drive. While this may be a result of the prescribed medications, it might also be a result of possible stressors that may come along with these conditions [3].

Some medical conditions that may cause low sex drive in men include:

  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Neurological diseases

How can a man regain his libido?

There are a number of lifestyle changes that can be made in order to help a man regain his sexual energy [4], these typically include:

  • Regular exercise to boost your energy
  • Communicate with your partner
  • Get the right amount of sleep
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Try to take control of any stress in your life

That said, as loss of libido is sometimes connected to underlying health problems or other significant issues, the treatment for low libido will likely change depending on the cause. Some common treatments may include:

  • Testosterone therapy
  • Changing medications

See also: What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Low testosterone levels are sometimes a common cause of low libido in men. One of the best ways to know more about your testosterone levels is with a test - this can be done with your doctor or from home with an at-home lab test.

LetsGetChecked’s Testosterone Test can measure the amount of testosterone present in your blood with a simple finger prick sample. Online results will be available within 2-5 days and our dedicated medical team will be available to answer any questions you may have during or after the process.

You should consider taking the test if:

  • You are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy
  • You suffer from Klinefelter syndrome
  • You suffer from type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  • You suffer from hemochromatosis
  • You have a pituitary gland disorder
  • You are obese
  • You suffer from chronic stress
  • You take anabolic steroids
  • You have a family history of low testosterone
  • You suffer from thyroid issues
  • You have kidney or liver disease
  • You have anorexia nervosa

See also: How do you Check Testosterone Levels From Home?

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Buy an At-Home Male Hormone Test

Get a broad overview of your hormonal health from home with our range of male hormone tests.


  1. NHS. Loss of libido (reduced sex drive). Online:, 2020
  2. NHS. Loss of libido (reduced sex drive). Online:, 2020
  3. Harvard Health Publishing. Recharge your sexual energy. Online:
  4. Harvard Health Publishing. Recharge your sexual energy. Online: